Therapy FAQs
What is orofacial myofunctional therapy?
Myofunctional therapy, also known as orofacial myology or just ‘myo’, uses a series of stretches and exercises to reactivate, strengthen, and retrain the muscles of the tongue and face in order to treat orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs). The goals of therapy are to create proper tongue and mouth posture, nasal breathing, and a proper swallowing pattern.
Why do I need myofunctional therapy?
If you have OMDs (orofacial myofunctional disorders) such as open mouth posture, mouth breathing, low tongue posture, tongue-tie, tongue thrust, or an improper swallow, it can affect many other aspects of your body including improper growth and development. For children, it can cause feeding and digestive issues, sleep-disordered breathing (snoring or sleep apnea), delayed or difficulty with speech, and orthodontic concerns. If not treated early in life it can cause many more unwanted symptoms such as TMJ issues (including clenching and grinding), neck and shoulder pain, digestive issues, headaches, sleep apnea, orthodontic relapse, and other health conditions. Myofunctional therapy can encourage proper growth patterns in children, alleviate symptoms, prevent further complications and improve your quality of life.
How long does therapy take?
Myofunctional therapy is an individualized plan based on your unique concerns and OMDs. The treatment time can vary, typically anywhere from 6-12 months, depending on the age of the client, the severity of the OMDs and the commitment of the client to their exercise plan and goals.
How do I prepare for my free consultation?
This is a time for you and your myofunctional therapist to see if you are a good fit for each other, if you would be a good candidate for therapy, and if you should proceed with a paid comprehensive exam. If you have specific concerns or questions you may add them to the consultation intake form in your client portal after you schedule your appointment so we can discuss how myofunctional therapy may help you or your child.
At what age should myofunctional therapy be considered?
The earlier in life you treat myofunctional impairment, the fewer symptoms and complications you will have. The age you are now is the perfect age to start! While our therapy plans are designed for adults and children ages 5+, infants and toddlers can benefit from frenectomies and exercises that encourage proper function. We offer an Early Start Program specifically for parents of toddlers looking for early interventions and help before their child is old enough for structured therapy. Please schedule a free consultation if you have questions regarding how you or your child may benefit from myofunctional therapy.
Do I need a frenectomy or frenuloplasty?
If it is determined that you have ankyloglossia (a tongue-tie) where the frenum (the small piece of tissue connecting the bottom of your tongue to the floor of your mouth), is too short or tight to allow for proper function then you will likely need a frenectomy to release the tissue in order to gain full movement and proper tongue function. Myofunctional therapy will help prepare you for a successful frenectomy and will be critical in the healing and development of proper habits and function after the procedure.
What is “The Spot”?
If you hear us talking about “the spot” it’s because this is where the tip of your tongue should be at rest; it is the small raised area just behind your front teeth on the roof of your mouth (aka the incisive papilla). We refer to the spot often during therapy, as one of our goals is to train the tongue to be in a proper resting position, which always starts with the tip of the tongue on this spot. Many people with OMD’s have low resting tongue posture and may not even be aware that their tongue should rest in the roof of their mouth.
How do I prepare for my comprehensive exam?
Your comprehensive exam will take between 60-90 minutes. This is when we evaluate your symptoms, the effects your OMD’s are having on your health, and for your therapist to make a recommendation on what therapy plan would best address your concerns. You will need to send specific photos and videos (uploaded to your secure patient portal) at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. You can find a link to the instructions for photos HERE; you will also get an email with a link to the instructions when you schedule your comprehensive exam. Please have someone help you take your photos – the better the photo quality the easier it is for us to identify specific concerns and develop your treatment plan.
How do I prepare for my therapy sessions?
All therapy sessions are conducted online through your secure patient portal. Please make sure your video/camera is working, and check your Internet connection prior to your appointment time – you can check it HERE. Please allow 30 minutes of uninterrupted time for each session, and set yourself up for success by choosing a location that is quiet and allows you to focus all your attention on your session. We are mindful of your time and conduct our sessions in a very productive and efficient manner, if you are late or distracted it does not allow us to provide you with the highest level of care, and your therapy may be diminished. Bring all needed supplies (your therapy kit) to every appointment, if you need anything additional for future appointments you will be informed at the end of your therapy session. If your therapist has you using the Therapy Tracker Workbook, bring this with you to each session.
What is my commitment?
As with any therapy or exercise program, daily practice leads to bigger gains and faster improvement in symptoms. Your level of commitment to the program is what determines your success! Typically, assigned exercises require active practice for 5-10 minutes, 2-3x/day (for a total of 15-30 minutes a day).
Our commitment to you!
During therapy you will start to build new routines and healthy habits, in the course of which you may have questions or need a little extra support. As a client you will have access to your therapist via direct message in your client portal, or you can always send us your questions by text or email. We are available to help you THRIVE!